Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Coexist Not

This is in regards to all the people who put this "coexist" with the religious symbols on their car bumpers. I know you will never ever understand how many psychopaths and sociopaths permeate many of the main religions of the world and how many poor souls they have tortured and murdered in the name of their religions. This has been the case for thousands of years really since the invention of religion by man. The Christian an Islamist religions are by far the worst over the last 1500 years. If you don't believe me read a little history. From the Romans persecuting the Christians to the Crusades and recent death camps of the NAZI in WWII. Mass murders of people of different beliefs is nothing new. The Islamist beliefs as practiced today in the Middle East are in my mind the most barbaric and trust me the religion of "peace" is anything but. So religion is not going away any time soon but get real and quit believing in the Easter Bunny and World Peace. Coexistence of the Worlds many religions is not going to happen until all these religions really start to believe in peace, a real paradigm shift in human beliefs will need to happen. For that to happen we will need a real God an one we all believe in!    

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