Friday, January 15, 2021

Psychological Manipulation. Deja vu.

 All pictures of our past,present and future POTUS. The mass media Usually has an agenda and too manipulate their agenda they frame many of the pictures and videos you may see, a common practice that is quite noticeable if you are looking for it. Journalism should not take sides on any story they present as news. At best it is commentary reporting but is not presented that way to the public.The next link leads to another story which illustrates this idea and was the source for several of these pictures.      So form your own opinion the old fashion way and remember that at least over the last several decades manipulation is often the name of the game. YMMV  

Monday, January 11, 2021

Who wore it better John Brown of break into armory fame or Dude with Big Horns?

 The Dude with big horns is famous from January 6 2021 lets scare all the people in Congress charade, anyone?

Don't be fooled again

Yep this be a trap, pass it on. The Left loves to use red was the big give away. Well that sounded good at least wait, dance along the line or as I heard when I was young " give them enough rope" you know the rest. I set it out on January 6 and just follow along until it feels right. These people are phony and while not stupid just to deep into control freak syndrome or CFS I just made that up but it sure rings true. Anyway may the force be with you.

 Roll with the punches Roman armies are not built in a day or week either.Maybe 2 or 3 months maybe... Love our Country USA USA.