Sunday, February 26, 2017

Hive mind and how it leads to bat shit crazy!

   Sometimes you stumble across the name of the symptoms you have had trouble to understand. This knowledge is out there and you do have your gut instincts but you do your due diligence and research. I started my research with "Hive mentality" this article led me to this link:   Ok so far so good from this wiki I found this link:    Not what I was looking for but it led to this link:    Now we're talking group think and of course this paragraph:   "The main principle of groupthink, which I offer in the spirit of Parkinson's Law, is this: The more amiability and esprit de corps there is among the members of a policy-making ingroup, the greater the danger that independent critical thinking will be replaced by groupthink, which is likely to result in irrational and dehumanizing actions directed against outgroups." amazing stuff and of course when groupthink mentioned Parkinson's Law well:    Now you see how research can lead you to the cause of all these crazy liberals an why Trump just drives them bat shit crazy. Spend a little time an read the links and understand what brings about bat shit crazy!

Friday, February 24, 2017

Reptilian brains and racism with a touch of obsessive-compulsive behavior

 "Without defining them, I shall simply say that in human activities they find expression in:

        obsessive-compulsive behavior

        personal day-to-day rituals and superstitious acts

        slavish conformance to old ways of doing things

        ceremonial re-enactments

        obeisance to precedent, as in legal, religious, cultural, and other matters

        responding to partial representations (coloration, "strangeness," etc.), whether alive or inanimate

        and all manner of deception"   The theory that dreaming is the sleep state of mammals but the awake state of         reptiles is interesting an could explain why we dream, let just say it is as good a reason as any other. "All racism is reptilian." A process I'm willing to accept since I know it is not a learned trait except under special conditions, think Nazism and the conditioning used on the children of Germany "Hitler's Youth". Racism was taught and enforced so I believe it is not normally learned but may be a part of the hardwired genetic code some socio/psychopaths are born with. True reptilian brain activity originates all compulsive actions associated with attraction,love and aggression that is why the dark side of human emotions has stayed with us even after millenniums of civilization an still is the main agenda for Nationalism not necessarily a bad thing.  Don't get all distracted by Illuminati and some other terms truth is truth some words the general public has been conditioned to think "oh one of those" yeah manipulation is a bitch but mass manipulation is nothing new. Neither is paranoid beliefs when you weigh the evidence and not just go along with the crowd. Remember "The kinks are coming from the human mind - which happens to emanate from three brain systems, not just one." and we all can be a little smarter by control and knowing how it works.See Link:

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Sheriff Joe and the not so good new Sheriff here in Maricopa county

    Sheriff Joe lost re-election a few months back and this new sheriff does not have my respect. Thank you Sheriff Joe you will be missed. Got a link to show why this new guy is not doing his job here in Maricopa county.

In psychopaths we trust

     It would be so easy to explain yet so few understand. All people are not the same the typical expression of the Good,the Bad and the Ugly might suffice but it does run deeper for you see the really Bad some would say Evil make a habit of hiding there true nature. The term snakes in suits really does apply. They live and remain hidden from most people. Most people don't understand as I said before,unless you've been bitten by this creature you really don't comprehend the depths of their abilities and manipulation they use against what passes for normal people everyday.  They always seek control jobs a few examples police,politics,judges and so on control is the key. Not all control jobs are held by psychopaths but almost all psychopaths try to hold these positions. We are not talking about your everyday weird sociopath here we are talking about the people who rise to positions of power in Governments and industry. They are very intelligent, it just that emotions like empathy,compassion mean nothing unless it feeds into their narcissism the self love that is all that they care about. So when you see the news and something really bad happens not accidents or natural acts but man made evil acts that make little sense to a normal person well now you may start to understand that the evil in the world like the Axis powers in WWII or Stalin and Mao killing people for their beliefs. Know that this is nothing new, the serial killers, felony criminals and politicians have always been with us. So look at the results recently after Trump got elected we're seeing what some would call the Shadow Government taking control and trying to take this country back into their control. How much Trump will drain from that swamp is anybody guess,I wish the man well but he has hit a brick wall and they're known as psychopaths again nothing new just the same sick people trying to screw us all over again. Lets hope they make a few mistakes and good people can triumph at least for a while against this scourge against mankind. The following link will add a little more fuel to this discussion.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       new Link:                         

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Abstract thinking and herd mentality within the great apes

To an uninitiated person, conventional economic thinking feels right even though it’s wrong, and socioeconomic causality feels wrong even though it’s right. To begin your journey out of that mindset, you must learn to accept and then embrace irony and paradox, at least as humans are unconsciously wired to interpret things. Some would call this line of reasoning BS, but just because nothing makes sense doesn't mean the sense is nothing. Science in this case is equivalent to global warming if it makes you money it must be right. probably something Al Gore has mumbled in his sleep. Oh an herd mentality might explain the Liberal mindset but now we are talking metaphysical or abstract thinking.     

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Oroville Dam and accountability

Knife in Flynn's back

  Not an establishment puppet,his own man and represents the interest of the working people? Yet demonization of the man by the media,Hollywood an so called academics is non-stop their motto "Whatever it takes,get rid of him". So by proxy if you voted or support POTUS, President Trump "just rolls of the tongue" they are urinating on you! They have ground you underneath their boot. Offensive,insulting and just plain old mean spirited. This man is fighting on at least 4 fronts and any belief you hold sacred is up for review. Don't turn your back or take a knee do the human thing. Some of America’s most powerful people have been involved in activities which if brought into the public forum would utterly destroy them, not only professionally, but also personally. Believe it this is what must see the light of day,the truth and what has already happened what must not be public knowledge. A start would be to use the Law against the people both political and media who shoved the knife into Michael Flynn back. Check out the Gate:                                                                                                        

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Civil war or apathy

   Whatever is good for America is now bad for the Democrats – not merely bad, but politically fatal. Convoluted and necessary under the theme of controlled socialism one may presume a mandate and the wonder is that so many who don't embrace this topic are cooperative in the extreme in their apathy. My elders use to recommend "shit or get off the pot" crude but one wonders if extreme measures do not happen in a vacuum or perhaps be met with more forceful measures? I keep hearing that sound I once heard in a movie... "Network" just the emotion not the Hollywood nonsense. "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" and not about ratings. Just a thought don't you think?

Friday, February 3, 2017

Michael Savage hits the nail on the head with view on Trump's policy
I think Dr Savage has nailed it on Trump's policy so far. Granted it is early and he needs to send a message but going to war with whoever is not the result the USA needs at this time. I believe and trust our new POTUS Trump at this time I believe he is a good and fair man at heart and most definitely a patriot. The trouble comes possibly with his inner circle. Trump is not afraid to delegate authority to that inner circle and he is no micro-manager like good ole Obama was,thank God. The deal is that the house of cards is shaky from decades of mismanagement style and the sharks of the World smell blood in the water from the weakness of prior Administrations so a mine field has been flung far and wide around the World. The POTUS job should be to defuse these problems yet not appear weak. War anywhere is not a prime objective of the USA. If we stay as #1 on the world stage we need to build our strength and stay away from major conflicts until we have the ability to back up what sane people want to happen around the world.