Monday, April 14, 2014

Military-Industrial complex an misplaced power

The standoff in Nevada this past week has wound down with massive support from numerous groups and individuals. The BLM was told to back off within hours of the release of info linking  Senator Harry Reid with the Chinese and a land grab for a solar energy generating plant on the BLM land. The tortoise story was a ruse from the get go an the cattle an excuse for the BLM to go in with force "excessive force" to evict the Bundys from the ranch.  One has to wonder if this is just the tip of an iceberg for the Feds to start harassing citizens an may have been initiated as a test to see how hard they can push their Draconian methods on US citizens.   A pattern of dystopian tactics has been used by the US government over the past couple of decades Waco and Ruby Ridge come to mind. State rights versus Federal rights was the flame that ignited the Civil War of the 1860's but anyone who believes it was all about slavery should read about the history of the time an study what occurred after the end of the Civil War. A grab for all the industrial and agriculture properties took place with the Industrial might of the North as the sole beneficiary of the South. Thus the War of Northern Aggression as it is known in the South. Washington DC is on track for similar power grabs at this time. All our rights under the Bill of Rights is under attack and are not going away just because the powers that be stood down in Nevada.  They have usurped our election process and the warning echoes from President Eisenhower warning: 
"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."

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