Sunday, April 27, 2014

Global Warming

  Just noticed on TV another propaganda film about Earth changes aka major weather changes. There is no doubt that the weather is changing because for the last 500 million years the Earth has been doing exactly that. I use 500 million as a starting point for that is ~ when major lifeforms stared to exist on Earth. There are many reasons for climate change they start with the major reasons such as volcanic activity,solar factors ie the Sun and it output ,to continental drift which over million of years causes some major shifts. What I consider more minor/short term reasons could be major meteor strikes on Earth to the methane production of grazing mammals or reptiles/dinosaurs here is where you insert Man and the industrial and population expansion of the 20th and 21th century. Yes mankind has an impact but my opinion it is minor and short term. Population control should be the deciding factor since the uncontrolled breeding in third world nations seems to contribute the most increase in population. This in no way negates the high impact of first world nation citizens it is high but I believe over time that science will help lower that impact and that major nations inherently control their population. The major exception is the uncontrolled illegal immigration into North America and Europe has upset the balance of mankind's impact on the environment by corrupt government officials and greed for cheap labor. The destruction of the middle class seems to be the agenda. So the next time some politician or Hollywood star tells you, we need to tax you for carbon credits. Think about it? They really don't mind using thousands of tons of fuel to jet to some social event! Yes I'm all for hybrid and electric vehicles plus solar power for homes and wind power and all the rest. But don't tax me to make you people that run the show, RICHER!  my 2 cents on climate change.   

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