Sunday, March 26, 2017

Practical way to end Obamacare

  Sometimes we dream and the flip side, practical. I guess some things in life we do,we like and so you follow this pursuit. I like to go camping and get away from all these crazy people. Not as a hermit yes I like my minions and peers along mostly family and to some extent we make it so. Now for grins most of my life I have been able to make ends meet, Dennis tries to keep it real. So at this time even though I would like the Earthroamer vehicle shown above I end up with a Toyota Tundra 4x4 and a camper for you guessed it. Camping. Now it is not the Taj Mahal but it gets the job done. So I get 50k $$ invested and not the 150k $$$$ or so that these neat RV costs. Must be from Pa because back in the Pa days many years ago we had zip and you did what you had to. So now we get to the Government mandated "Obamacare" which we have heard about for   years? Yep good old Paul Ryan and his mistake but lets not flash it in your face. Nope good olf Ryan I meant old,doesn't even think to vote on his save us BS replacement, yep that is Ryan "smoke and mirrors"  so>   The way it works is we have had Republicans telling us they would fix Obamacare for many years now. Paul Ryan a RINO not a true Conservative nor what the Republicans are supposed to be. He is the guy with the we will vote or not vote card. He is the speaker of the house the main man. He failed no big surprise. Remember he was part of that old Bush cabal. Even run as VP with good old Mitt the quasi Republican from Massachusetts. Ever hear of a conservative Republican from Massachusetts? Not in recent memory. So now you have a New York Times story a known Progressive Liberal pit of FAKE news and misdirection writing a story about how all of this is President Trumps fault. Gee ya thunk? Bottom line we need a new speaker of the house some one like Paul Rand or Paul Rand "remember" who knows what a crap job Obamacare is ps he is a Doctor too. So the safety pin crowd that be Hillery,Obama,Soros and Company they think they be the truth,justice and the American way. Damn I'm ready to pin a red cape on to Schumer and his short sidekick ?? So just remember the next time you want someone to come in and crap all over your healthplan? Who do you call? yep screwed again I say vote the bums out but that would be a 50/50 thingy. Anyway I left a few examples below that haven't work so far because I'm such a helpful guy. enjoy. Oh maybe we can get someone? to do it right/practical.


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