Wednesday, March 29, 2017

North Korea about to get smacked by the Rising Sun

Japan and China have been at each others throats so logically I figured that has to be the main reason the PRC has kept their mad dog North Korea on a short leash. North Korea would have fissiled out long ago without the PRC. The other thing to consider is that the cream of the crop psychopaths always try to gravitate to power and the more violent ones Stalin,Mao etc have been more successful under what Western society calls Lenin's curse or Commie for short. What is nice is that we tamed the blood thirsty,back stabbing country that we know as Japan and turned it into a more Western peace loving place. Who only fault is there propensity to over fish the oceans and killing sentient creatures such as whales for food. So when the idiot pictured below started lobbing missiles at Japan and threaten the North American continent well he is probably going to get what he deserves. I do feel sorry for so many North Koreans under this Dictator but seriously he should have been taken out by these same people long ago. Guess the only good Commie in this case is a dead one. Making America great is also about putting the rest of the world in a better state. Lets face it MacAuthor wanted to go in and clean the whole bunch out back in 1950 but good old Truman didn't want to get his hands dirty, big surprise because he did do the right thing in 1945 which was to nuke Japan into submission. We could have fire bomb the crap out of them but lets face it . Why let that whole Manhattan Project costs go to waste?

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