Sunday, December 8, 2013

$17 Trillion in debt an still climbing

The United States government is over $17 trillion in debt. That is over $56,641 of debt for every man, woman, and child in the country.
In the past four years alone, debt has skyrocketed from 75% to more than 105% of GDP. Nothing strike as much fear in a capitalist heart as the loss of $ lets call it wealth since dollars can be converted to wealth the "dollar $" at least all that your worth should not be your only wealth. Land,property,precious metals ie gold,silver an even Art and jewels have all been alternatives to paper money for many years. For good reason the paper money can default an has since it invention,the primary reason has been the greedy people who print it love to go to war an buy votes and they don't mind using your wealth and savings by taxing and devaluing the significance of your hard labor to earn said dollar during better economic times. LBJ did away with silver in our coins in 1964.    reference the link  from American Thinker blog and you can draw your own conclusions. Silver coins and silver certificates soon were no longer backed by silver. FDR did away with gold in 1933 but Ford reversed this in 1974.You can legally hold gold coins and bars again but what the Government gifted they can take away. It would not strictly speaking be Constitutional but that has never stopped them before. So diversify your holdings,your wealth should be divided up as best as you can for your age and needs. Talk with a financial adviser for some of your needs but putting all your eggs in all paper is not the best way to go. I'm no financial adviser but my wife is an I know she loves paper and is not a student of history. So study history an see what has worked in the recent past some paper has to held but some should go else where. Thats my 2 cents. Oh and don't think the all seeing eye is not watching they want our wealth. That is one of the reasons for the Patriot Act it is not all about Muslim terrorist.      

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