Sunday, October 27, 2013

American Blackout

National Geographic is airing a TV show about a blackout caused by a cyber attack. The blackout lasts about 10 days an the show is about what happens in the US during this period. I haven't seen the show yet but quite a few people have a pretty good idea about what happens in most urban areas of the country. Think Katrina but more wide spread an less water. Lets face it with unemployment as high as it is an few people with high moral values,well it won't be pretty. The sad thing for me is that when I was young a 10 day blackout would not be easy but back in the 50's,60's even the 70's people tried to stick together an help each other. Today not so much yes there are good people out there an it would not all be bad, but so many so called citizens have no values an expect nothing but handouts from the Government ie the tax payers. With the power out for these types it is the rule of the jungle an with the lights out, a very nasty jungle it will be. An really bad after the sun sets. So if you get the chance this might be worth watching an probably much closer to the truth if we, make that when we have a major long lasting blackout !

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