My wife an I in the jungles of Belize a few years back. I was lucky enough as a young man to have joined the Navy and seen the World as they say. Off the top I'm not sure how many countries I have visited but it is in the dozens. Been to Europe most of Northern not the Southern countries.Central an South America. The Caribbean most of it including Cuba twice "Gitmo" and the Philippines and Hong Kong, China and Vietnam. So I have seen a lot would like to check out India,Africa and Australia some day. Wait an see. I have had knives pulled on me several times in Columbia and in the Philippines luckily I survived and don't get me started on all the strange an sometimes dangerous activities I had the pleasure to survive. I've been lucky did a lot of crazy stuff,have a lot of things I'm sorry about but you have to go with the flow. When my time comes I will go with only the sorrow of missing all the people in my life,it has been and still is a fun ride for the most part. Really feel sorry for all the people who go through life and never get a chance to explore all the possibilities. My greatest love at this time is my wife Lorraine she is a true angel and if there is a heaven I know she will go there. As for myself? make that a big Question? But I don't worry about that too much for no one alive really knows where the afterlife takes us if any where ? I have faith that it is probably one with the Universe and that is fine by me.
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