Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Mother's Day was spent with my daughter this year. My mother passed away two years ago as did my wife's mother so a visit to the North country of Arizona was in order for the weekend. My daughter works in Showlow Az hospital and had most of the weekend off. Sunday we left to go up in the Apache Sitgreaves National park up near Alpine Az we took trail 177 heading West and decided to check out Carino Lake ~64 acre lake with fishing "trout" and some boating at 9,000 ft elevation. There were only two groups camping at the lake and maybe 4 or 5 other camping sites we saw as we took the back road back to Vernon and then to Showlow, Az . We saw some elk on the trip back but it took about 20 seconds for me to get my camera ready "cold fingers" so I didn't get any pictures of the wildlife. We had a Saburu suv with all wheel drive which was fine for that main trail but be aware that if you decide to take some side trails they are not well maintained and a serious off road vehicle would be required. The wife and I did stop at two casinos one in Pinetop the Apache White Mountain and the other down in Payson on the way home. My wife lost it all and I was up $10 at Pinetop and another $110 in Payson so yep we balanced out again. The casino were open with very strict mask and shields around the one arm bandits. Mask were mandatory in Payson with just a few machines with side shields. One thing I noticed is for the most part Northern Arizona seems to be clear of covid problems for the most part. My other daughter did visit my granddaughters Great grandmother in Pine , Az and strict protocol was in order due to her advanced age. No campfires are allowed in any of the parks in Arizona due to forest fires since the vegetation is very dry.


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