Saturday, July 12, 2014

Border Crisis

                 How I learned to stop caring an embrace the H-bomb. That quote from Dr Strangelove in the 60's is still alive just the names have been changed. Yes Russia is just a ghost of the mid 20th Century but there are other ways to bring our Home and Country to its knees. Yes the invasion of the United States started back in the late 60's has grown and unless the Southern  border is forcefully defended and secured this will not stop. The true deception by political parties both for in reality there are only 2 at this time, is to turn there backs an in a subversive manner allow this crisis to continue.  Is voting the answer in my mind no, a tipping point was reached probably in the 90's that defeats any chance to bring this Constitutional Republic back to all 50 states. Secession by mostly Southern and Western states is probably the only way that I see to save part of the Republic. To many leeches vote,they live off of the system created by some of our elected officials and all 3 branches of Government are affected. That is so many liars ,cheats, and thieves have been elected or infect the agencies put into power by these same liars an cheats. It is a vicious cycle an too far gone to reclaim or fix. So in reality only a portion an the lion shares of states needs to secede. The answer if we want to stay a Constitutional Republic is the only way to go. I don't know of any other way at this point in time. The obvious conclusion for our Republic is it ceases to be a Republic an ends up a Socialist Democracy. Glad I'm old this will probably work itself out soon and I'm getting to be to old to care. Just my two cents

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