Sunday, December 8, 2013

Hebrews 13:2 Why not!

Hebrews 13:2

New International Version (NIV)
Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing  it.       >    I've never been a big supporter of organized religions but still I believe that mankind is here for a reason.. I also believe there are  higher lifeforms in this Universe and if there are an infinite number of Universes as some Physicist believe. Higher lifeforms,sentient lifeforms must exist. I believe this because on several occasions I've seen things UFO an strange unnatural things happen. I don't believe it was just my imagination for people with me also have seen strange things. Of course some of these may have a natural explanation but twice those UFO made me a believer. I have several friends who have also seen things they could not explain. Then we have miracles or feelings that can't be explained, they do happen and the skeptics and naysayers explain it away. On several occasions I've witnessed an been in contact with humans and animals who have died violently. I felt their soul or life force leave the body it is the only way I can explain it. I have also been close to people I've known who died of natural causes and I felt nothing. So go figure, my point is that sometimes truth is stranger than fiction and I've been close to people who were they angel/demons or just regular good/bad people. I'm not sure they were different an not normal and again no way to explain what was different about these encounters. I guess the end of the year when you get old brings back memories and you have reflections on your life and wonder about God,Alien life forms  and such? That was a question because I don't have the faith that Christians,an other major religious followers have in the religions that they embrace. They believe in their Gods,Angels and Demons and for myself I can't be an Atheist for I believe in something and I guess that faith is in Life in the Universe an older civilizations than our own. I believe they are aware of us and probably visit or even have people on Earth watching us. They may have created us. Why not you the Christians,Jews an Muslims all believe your God/Allah created you so why not. Yes indeed why not                                                                                                                                                                                                            

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