Sunday, June 18, 2017

The Left wants you to behave it is just their nature

"The American people are like little children. We have to hold their sticky fingers and wipe their filthy mouths, teach them right from wrong. Tell them what to think and how to feel, and what to want. They even need help writing their wildest dreams, crafting their worst fears. Lucky for them they have me." –Frank Underwood, House of Cards    The wet dreams of certain people with a lefty bent,the persona of the elite on display. Link to a good article from American Thinker:

Saturday, June 17, 2017


Lucky me it is 3:20 am and I'm awake and boom after looking at Drudge Report I start thinking about Freedom. The way we perceive our reality changes as we get older. So does my sleep cycle but hey this tidbit is about FREEDOM. When I was young I use to think the US government and mankind as a whole was leaning toward the good. Let face it John Wayne was always right,the good guys wore white hats and the train never run over Pauline. Dudley Do-right always got his man. Now back to reality. A good TV show to get you in the mood might be "Life on Mars" which is about a cop from the early 21st century who some how gets tossed back to 1973 and you guessed it life in the good old USA was much different then it is today,today being 2008 when the show was made. One could argue and rightly so that many changes in our way of life have occurred since 2008. Eight long years under Obama has made that change and not for the good. Now back to Freedom the main theme. Do you really believe that you have more freedom today in the good old USA or would you like to turn back the clock to say 1973 and have that kind of freedom without Gerald Ford and Nixon of course. Put Reagan in the White House if we are going to turn back the clock hell even 4 years of Goldwater might be fun? I could go on and on but the theme is freedom again and do you believe we as citizens of the good old USA have more or less these days in the year 2017. Trump is in the White House which I believe is a good thing. But every time you turn around he is being attacked by the LEFT,RINO and wanna be lefty GOP members,the media with a few exceptions and the Fifth Column that has grown on our American soil over the past couple of decades. The Fifth Column is really the problem they do include many card carrying members of both major parties and snowflakes,anarchist,commies you know the bunch of humans who want to tell you how to live your life. So long story short my gut tells me these days that this internal and political turmoil will come to a head and probably real soon. Some say civil war? I hate to say it but that Civil War on US soil is probably the direction it will take. I even think that the USA splitting up into two or more different new countries is a possibility. If so what will our children and in my case grandchildren live under in those days? Freedom and liberty like we thought we had or chains and regulations just like Orwell predicted in his novel 1984? That is the question and at this time I have no answers. That my friends is probably what wakes me up at 3am these days. Final thought I believe that the Bill of Rights as it was written is the best answer for Freedom and Liberty. It is still the law but many will tell you it needs to be written differently. You do not need a Philadelphia lawyer or any other to understand the Bill of Rights, We the people just need to enforce these RIGHTS all ten of the original and know that in 1776 people believe in those kind of rights and in 2017 or even 2217 the Bill of Rights as the cornerstone of our Republic is the "right" direction.               

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Wilson an asshole

Woodrow Wilson nearly a century ago at Princeton, colleges have taught that ordinary Americans are rightly ruled by experts because they are incapable of governing themselves. Millions of graduates have identified themselves as the personifiers of expertise and believe themselves entitled to rule. This is the mentality of the Progressive movement and in some small regional areas they may be right but only for those areas. The vast majority of the USA has skilled and in many cases highly educated people who need the basics done by a small number of bureaucrats and nothing more. Keep the system working and stay the hell out of our lives,we need no stinking rulers only civil servants. The smaller the government the more freedom and liberty exists.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Slavery and bad leaders

Slavery is and has always been one of the worst sins of mankind. No sane person could/should think otherwise but several US Presidents and maybe all of them have had policies and deeds during their administration that when focused upon demonstrates that they were not the sterling people that we should worship or put up on a pedestal. They were human and like all leaders were manipulated by wealthy people who had their own agendas. This theme is nothing new it is as relevant today as it was 5,000 years ago. Money talks and absolute power corrupts it is the way of mankind and that evil at times institution of politics and the government that is it birth child. Just felt like harping on Lincoln this morning, could have been FDR,JFK, hell even Reagan it is just something people should know that no leader has ever been perfect except for Solomon and I'm sure he had plenty of bad/nasty decisions in his closet too. There is much documentation of the dictator like policies of Lincoln during the civil war it just is what it was at that time. So this is just one of many links that "in hind sight" shows how wrong a person can govern at times. 2 cents worth