Sunday, September 17, 2017

The Political System

The Democrats and Republican two party system in place for so long has brought us numerous wars, $20 trillion in debt and a government that's grown well beyond its usefulness. There is little leadership seen in many decades and the systems we see are either a good old boy attitude or the use of a divide and conquer strategy against the electorate.Both parties are quite good at the blame game but if you believe either party supports freedom,liberty and has your welfare and the nations welfare as a keystone to their policies, well you're wrong. The only welfare ever considered by any politician has been there reelection. The only thing the bureaucracy created in DC has as a theme is to justify their existence. They are not elected officials so in many cases they are used as shock troops to divide a nation by enforcing rules and regulations in a manner that creates inferior policies. Policies that are always political in nature and not designed to better the lifes or nature of existence. To access this control all one has to do is throw money at it. Why else would a lobby system exist in our Nation capitol except for a means to buy and sell the candidate who get elected. Make no mistake the Mr Smith goes to Washington for the benifit of our society is rarely what happens. The political machine which is a ying/yang or both sides of the same coin ideology creates the candidates and directs their behavior. The puppetmasters are the wealthy and none of them agree on anything since wealth has distorted their view of reality. One has only to read the preamble to the Constitution to understand what true leadership and the role of Government is. "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."  That my friends is what the people in Congress,the Whitehouse and the Supreme Court are supposed to be doing. Its about the Constitution stupid. Not about what Washington DC and the wealthy elites have decided.

Friday, August 18, 2017

American Nazi Party
American Nazi Party= World Union of Free Enterprise National Socialists. The name was changed in 1960 by George Lincoln Rockwell the founder. If you notice the so called German-American Bund aka Hitler's American Nazi Party was actually approved by Adolf Hitler. To confuse since even these people are divided you have factions of National Socialist White People's Party. Being naturally curious I wonder in what Universe does one equate these obvious "Spcialist Parties" as far Right? My belief is that the Left and Progressive movements found their brother and sister socialist so repulsive they branded them as "Far Right". Remember even Hitler found the Communist brand of socialism so competitive he started Operation Barbarossa to bring the Soviets under his brand of Socialism. The point is that believe what you want but know that no true conservative,capitalist or libertarian would ever embrace nor condone these obvious socialist idealist movements. They are not far right except to the left.                                                                                                                                                     "If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.
Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.
He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future." Adolf Hitler      

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

No Surprises

Flower pigs in Sedona,Arizona surprise? Well maybe not but sometimes life throws a surprise our way and flower pigs become more common place. I'm not talking about a surprise party or the big credit card bill you got back in January. No these can be expected so no surprise. What I' driving at is life changing surprises. How you go along every day and no big deal and suddenly one day you find that going to sleep is starting to be a big deal,or perhaps little things grow into big deals. My deal right now is that I'm fearing death and having panic attacks for no good reason. So why get all twisted up over so many things you can't control. Good question and I haven't a clue? I've lost interest in watching TV and find reading more difficult and lost my groove. I'm thinking cabin fever because it is Summer time and in the Phoenix area that means hot temperatures ,bad air quality because of wildfires and just normal pollution so you spend a lot of time indoors,or at least I do. I'm sure that is part of it but I'm getting older and feeling it more. The disability problems I've had for 16 years or so are not getting better and little good news is happening. Everything has fallen into a black or white category with little to none of those gray areas we use to cherish. Life has gotten to serious and really is not so great that I should be fearing dying or having panic attacks. I'm feeling that meditation of some sort is a good start to learning to return to an easier and less fearful way of life. The problem is reading and doing with acceptance this meditation is difficult right now but I have to change some paradigms to get back to where I was a few months ago. Carefree and full of confidence well something close to that will be acceptable. I just need a return to a less stressful life. It would seem some people thrive on stress these days but I'm just getting to old for that way and noticing my life is changing for many reasons and they all relate to getting old. I know 67 years old is not such an old age these days but some of us have higher mileage on our chassis and a disability or several disabilities is starting to add up and not in a positive way. I'm seeing more and more of our friends and people we know are dying because as we get older that is what happens. So the push is going to be learn to relax again. Yes I use to be able to do this so just go back to how I looked at things in my earlier life and toss off this yoke of fear that seems to be a problem now and just feel different. Be myself and relax that is what I need to do and it sounds like good advise for anyone these days.         

Sunday, June 18, 2017

The Left wants you to behave it is just their nature

"The American people are like little children. We have to hold their sticky fingers and wipe their filthy mouths, teach them right from wrong. Tell them what to think and how to feel, and what to want. They even need help writing their wildest dreams, crafting their worst fears. Lucky for them they have me." –Frank Underwood, House of Cards    The wet dreams of certain people with a lefty bent,the persona of the elite on display. Link to a good article from American Thinker:

Saturday, June 17, 2017


Lucky me it is 3:20 am and I'm awake and boom after looking at Drudge Report I start thinking about Freedom. The way we perceive our reality changes as we get older. So does my sleep cycle but hey this tidbit is about FREEDOM. When I was young I use to think the US government and mankind as a whole was leaning toward the good. Let face it John Wayne was always right,the good guys wore white hats and the train never run over Pauline. Dudley Do-right always got his man. Now back to reality. A good TV show to get you in the mood might be "Life on Mars" which is about a cop from the early 21st century who some how gets tossed back to 1973 and you guessed it life in the good old USA was much different then it is today,today being 2008 when the show was made. One could argue and rightly so that many changes in our way of life have occurred since 2008. Eight long years under Obama has made that change and not for the good. Now back to Freedom the main theme. Do you really believe that you have more freedom today in the good old USA or would you like to turn back the clock to say 1973 and have that kind of freedom without Gerald Ford and Nixon of course. Put Reagan in the White House if we are going to turn back the clock hell even 4 years of Goldwater might be fun? I could go on and on but the theme is freedom again and do you believe we as citizens of the good old USA have more or less these days in the year 2017. Trump is in the White House which I believe is a good thing. But every time you turn around he is being attacked by the LEFT,RINO and wanna be lefty GOP members,the media with a few exceptions and the Fifth Column that has grown on our American soil over the past couple of decades. The Fifth Column is really the problem they do include many card carrying members of both major parties and snowflakes,anarchist,commies you know the bunch of humans who want to tell you how to live your life. So long story short my gut tells me these days that this internal and political turmoil will come to a head and probably real soon. Some say civil war? I hate to say it but that Civil War on US soil is probably the direction it will take. I even think that the USA splitting up into two or more different new countries is a possibility. If so what will our children and in my case grandchildren live under in those days? Freedom and liberty like we thought we had or chains and regulations just like Orwell predicted in his novel 1984? That is the question and at this time I have no answers. That my friends is probably what wakes me up at 3am these days. Final thought I believe that the Bill of Rights as it was written is the best answer for Freedom and Liberty. It is still the law but many will tell you it needs to be written differently. You do not need a Philadelphia lawyer or any other to understand the Bill of Rights, We the people just need to enforce these RIGHTS all ten of the original and know that in 1776 people believe in those kind of rights and in 2017 or even 2217 the Bill of Rights as the cornerstone of our Republic is the "right" direction.               

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Wilson an asshole

Woodrow Wilson nearly a century ago at Princeton, colleges have taught that ordinary Americans are rightly ruled by experts because they are incapable of governing themselves. Millions of graduates have identified themselves as the personifiers of expertise and believe themselves entitled to rule. This is the mentality of the Progressive movement and in some small regional areas they may be right but only for those areas. The vast majority of the USA has skilled and in many cases highly educated people who need the basics done by a small number of bureaucrats and nothing more. Keep the system working and stay the hell out of our lives,we need no stinking rulers only civil servants. The smaller the government the more freedom and liberty exists.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Slavery and bad leaders

Slavery is and has always been one of the worst sins of mankind. No sane person could/should think otherwise but several US Presidents and maybe all of them have had policies and deeds during their administration that when focused upon demonstrates that they were not the sterling people that we should worship or put up on a pedestal. They were human and like all leaders were manipulated by wealthy people who had their own agendas. This theme is nothing new it is as relevant today as it was 5,000 years ago. Money talks and absolute power corrupts it is the way of mankind and that evil at times institution of politics and the government that is it birth child. Just felt like harping on Lincoln this morning, could have been FDR,JFK, hell even Reagan it is just something people should know that no leader has ever been perfect except for Solomon and I'm sure he had plenty of bad/nasty decisions in his closet too. There is much documentation of the dictator like policies of Lincoln during the civil war it just is what it was at that time. So this is just one of many links that "in hind sight" shows how wrong a person can govern at times. 2 cents worth

Monday, May 15, 2017

Population and World realistic limits on resources

    The United Nations did a study on population growth with a focus on Africa,Middle East and Europe populations. The study produced the graph above. If you look closely you will notice that the highest population growth is produced in the regions with the least resources ie Africa and the Middle East. So what happens when limited resources meets enormous human population growth? The population decides to move from Africa and the Middle East and invade the closest wealthy region in this case Europe. Now I know it must sound quite racist to be against such an invasion. The people of Europe have worked very hard to create the socialist paradise that we know as Europe today. So what can we do to prevent this invasion. Walls and military might comes to mind but what passes for leadership in the EU is worthless when it comes to protecting its citizens. They welcome with open arms the radical elements along with the needy and to quote Milton "Paradise is Lost". I for one believe that these kind of problems are the greatest that have ever confronted our civilization. Overpopulation.It is easy to fix but the only people in history who tried to control it were, Hitler,Stalin,Mao and so on... Very horrible people with ways and means that most humans find to be very distasteful. The Chinese are trying population control in China with some success and maybe this is the best direction. This link:   provides some research on why humans need to initiate some form of population control. It was created several centuries ago and is as relevant today as it will ever be, some form of population control is needed or natural methods will take over and these methods are well known by mankind. War,pestilence,famine and death the 4 horsemen. The choice is up to our leaders and that is what bothers me the most? Why? Because of their batting average for the past 6,000 years. Do you really believe these people will choose the best way?  So sit back enjoy what is left of our 21st century lifestyle and play what if? This will be corrected by some sort of natural or manmade disaster and it is only a matter of time. I will weep for our future generations for another Dark Age is probably how this is going to go. The math and history points towards these results and knowing the cup is half empty is not going to make it any easier. Live long and prosper if you can.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

A look into the mirror

"Perhaps many of us were being highly unrealistic when we expected that Donald Trump could change things.  Because fixing America is going to take a lot more than getting the right number of “red” or “blue” politicians to Washington.  Rather, the truth is that the real problem lies in our hearts, and the corrupt politicians that currently represent us are simply a reflection of who we have become as a nation."
    Really thought the link and info in this story hit the nail on the head . We as a Nation have been changed and not for the better. The invasion from the South and the attack from Radical Islam along with the embrace of both political parties in the US of these elements have made the Nation I grew up with virtually extinct. Insanity of the Left is taken for granted these days so enjoy what you can while you can.

Friday, March 31, 2017

On demoncrats, money and such how the world would have been saved + we be on Mars now

      What I see on this chart is that the POTUS who raised up the mostest public debt were... Lincoln,Wilson,FDR,Reagan,Bush,Clinton,Bush an of course Obama! In Reagans defense he did end the cold war and drove Russia into the dirt. See the CBO story below. What did those other dudes do other then fleece the public. Lincoln didn't have to save the Union or make the Fed more powerful, you might say that FDR had to fight WWII but that chart was heading up in the 30's and we would have won WWII sooner or later. Then we could have charged the Europeans because they created almost all the problems up until 1945. Maybe just leave them in rubble for a few decades and made them all debtor states. Oh I think we did that anyway. I have to ask because I forgot Truman, yep Reagan would have never had to break the USSR up if!! Truman would have shut up and let   Douglas MacArthur clean up that Commie mess in China and Russia. They were ripe for the picking right after WWII. Nixon going to China you say well lets face it The world under a Constitution like the USA had at the end of WWII which would have brought true world peace and the UN well lets just say could have been in the image of a Constitutional Republic which would have a Nation on Mars by now since we wouldn't have had to pay for all that crap  Korea,Vietnam,Middle East peace for sure. Yes it would have worked and all without Demoncrats. Oh Lincoln he was a Republican nope just another war loving RINO!  I think I have post before about the Earth human psychopath problem. Behind every war,famine an all mankind related suffering you will find those damn psychopaths. Maybe someday they all try to gravitate to positions of power since say 200,000 BC. So the only cure is something a long the lines of what the NAZI tried except we weed out an cull those pesky Psychos as soon as we can. I wonder what percentage of Snowflakes and Progressives/Commies would fall into that curve,bet it is way above the average 6% in a normal population study.          Zero Hedge story:

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Secrets social networking and the only foolproof technology known to man to keep a secret

Social networking of any kind is just that social. This includes e-mails as Hillary an company found out. Facebook,twitter etc etc once you put it out there... It is there forever, someone some how will find it and burn you if it is something that leans in that direction that might some way make who ever upset! The only invention that was ever 100% reliable for two people to say anything an it would remain forever a secret was invented in the 1960's by a very smart man,in fact smart is even part of his name because he is so smart. Yes you guessed it Maxwell Smart! and his invention for forever and ever keep a secret? Yep the good old cone of silence! If Hillary had only had one. CONTROL would have nothing to do with her. Yep she missed it by that much!   Would you believe... Agent 86 is telling the Chief , I asked you not to tell me that.
Image may contain: one or more people and people sitting.  Did you know that what we call the cell phone was really invented by Maxwell Smart and to honor Agent 86 they renamed some cell phones Smart Phones. Yep I can now hear "I asked you not to tell me that".  The only reason and it was "smart" was he put the phone in his shoe,the reason it is just a good place to carry it, always with you and the safety aspect was that all those terrible EM waves would never hurt your foot,smart!

Staying undercover no data mining

Kind of a two edged sword thing. For those of you that are not happy with any data mining here is what you can do. Ghostery a program that runs on your browser with a good browser like Mozilla is a partial answer. even better using a Linux OS, I use Cinnamon Mint 18.3 version too. The only way to stop it all is wear a burka use cash only with gloves. Never shop online oh you can put a little piece of paper over that camera on your laptop or computer . They are good for face time,skype etc but if you're on a computer otherwise put a cover on that camera. Toss the smart phone and don't use uber. The NSA and all these companies want your whatever an it is impossible to stay completely out of sight out of mind like you could just a few decades back. Guess no money in it back at that time. See Minority Report a mid 21st century movie that hi-lights some of this tech. Or we could move to Mars that will work for a few decades.

Those punch cards and Arnie

I'm so old that I remember having to stand in line to use punch cards at the end of a shift. I sometimes think that was why I wanted to get into management just so I wouldn't have to do BS like that. Naturally I soon found out that the politics of management and the high art form pursued by some of backstabbing was quite prevalent on said shop floor. Shortly after the Allied Chemical merged with the delightful AiResearch/Signal Corp. I still fondly remember my years at AiResearch it was a great place to work in the 1970's and earlier. Oh there were problems but what came later in the 80's in the form of GE under the guise of a guy named Bossidy, well if you was a stock holder which I was he was great. He cut to the bone as they say. I believe I had 32 to 36 people to supervise at the end. Management actually had the audacity to lay off all of those people. I was the happy winner that got to walk all of them out the door. The weird part was I did know about half were getting the axe. They actually didn't tell me about the other half. The only reason they kept me was they still needed someone to run the xray,zyglo,magnetic particle and visual inspection areas. I could have told them that a minimum of three people were needed for those areas but I secretly believe that upper management the shop bunch wanted to try and work me to death with 12 an 16 hour days. Fat chance of that they were dealing with a guy that knew these idiots and didn't care if they laid me off or fired me at that time. There were a lot of good people who lost their jobs back in those days. You see the greedy bunch had figured out that a global market was more lucrative at this time and shopped out work to unskilled labor in Mexico,Singapore,China you name the third world slave labor market. That my friends is why to make America great again is to exclude foreign invasion elements and as POTUS has said make deals to USA benefit not some third world crap shoot. Oh and those punch cards were and are being replaced by good old robots. We just need to be sure that those future robots are not to smart or they may lay all of us off, permanent. See 1987 movie "Wall Street" Gordon Geeko outlines the whole concept. ps also see Arnie movie "Terminator"

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

North Korea about to get smacked by the Rising Sun

Japan and China have been at each others throats so logically I figured that has to be the main reason the PRC has kept their mad dog North Korea on a short leash. North Korea would have fissiled out long ago without the PRC. The other thing to consider is that the cream of the crop psychopaths always try to gravitate to power and the more violent ones Stalin,Mao etc have been more successful under what Western society calls Lenin's curse or Commie for short. What is nice is that we tamed the blood thirsty,back stabbing country that we know as Japan and turned it into a more Western peace loving place. Who only fault is there propensity to over fish the oceans and killing sentient creatures such as whales for food. So when the idiot pictured below started lobbing missiles at Japan and threaten the North American continent well he is probably going to get what he deserves. I do feel sorry for so many North Koreans under this Dictator but seriously he should have been taken out by these same people long ago. Guess the only good Commie in this case is a dead one. Making America great is also about putting the rest of the world in a better state. Lets face it MacAuthor wanted to go in and clean the whole bunch out back in 1950 but good old Truman didn't want to get his hands dirty, big surprise because he did do the right thing in 1945 which was to nuke Japan into submission. We could have fire bomb the crap out of them but lets face it . Why let that whole Manhattan Project costs go to waste?

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Thoughts on good and bad dynasty

Most certainly not a fan of the last couple of dynasty shows. The ones called Bush and Clinton"almost" come to mind. I did tolerate George W "bear in mind he did sign off on Patriots Act" but no other choice at that time. A poor choice too I might add! The George HW had New World Order written all over it,remember those thousand points of light also that to us deplorables read my lips BS. Anyway at this time my thoughts on a female POTUS in the future, well is previewed in the story below. Yes I will vote for her and she will win a few years down the road. It will be a long road to fix the problems created since Lincoln, that almost all powerful Oz the psycho crowd has been pushing. With a little luck the deep state finally has met its match. Where Reagan tried just a poor choice in cabinet and running mate, maybe this Trump dynasty can return us to our roots. See link below. Must terrify NBC.

Property tax and Moonbeams

One of the nice things about Arizona has been the lower property taxes. When compared to progressive havens like NYC,San Francisco,Boston it has been really cheap until the Lib invasion the past few decades. What happen was that good ole Kali "got to pay for illegals" made you pay $$$ more taxes to educate an feed the invasion from Mexico and South. The ones that came to Arizona are also causing higher property taxes but that has only been a problem since the end of Reagan. We use to tolerate the invasion in Arizona for the quid pro quo of cheap labor. quite a few are hard working an good people ps their food is the best. I made quite a few friends who I stumbled across at Home Depot. Alas the criminal element showed up too and in Arizona Sheriff Joe tried to put a stop to it. By 2008 the grand savior of mankind the new socialist Jesus got elected. Obama tried to put an end to our sheriff and of course probably tripled the number of invaders and patted them and bowed down to boot. Now back in Kali thing got bad first with Arnie and then with the moonbeam which sent a few "for Kali" packing to Arizona which in the 1970's and before was almost empty. So the real problem has been educating millions of illegals and the so called anchor babies. Not saying some are nice but quite a few are not so nice too. They cost you big time in taxes. The other tax problem is the liars,cheats and thieves that get elected by the looney bin snowflakes who have never made it on there own. But that is another story. ps build that wall and lock up/get rid of the negative elements easily recognized by their colors they wear and the activities they pursue ie make America great. pps don't move to Arizona until we finish off loading the excess back over the wall. Of course the dam made it. Not sure about the rest of us till the wall goes up.        

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Practical way to end Obamacare

  Sometimes we dream and the flip side, practical. I guess some things in life we do,we like and so you follow this pursuit. I like to go camping and get away from all these crazy people. Not as a hermit yes I like my minions and peers along mostly family and to some extent we make it so. Now for grins most of my life I have been able to make ends meet, Dennis tries to keep it real. So at this time even though I would like the Earthroamer vehicle shown above I end up with a Toyota Tundra 4x4 and a camper for you guessed it. Camping. Now it is not the Taj Mahal but it gets the job done. So I get 50k $$ invested and not the 150k $$$$ or so that these neat RV costs. Must be from Pa because back in the Pa days many years ago we had zip and you did what you had to. So now we get to the Government mandated "Obamacare" which we have heard about for   years? Yep good old Paul Ryan and his mistake but lets not flash it in your face. Nope good olf Ryan I meant old,doesn't even think to vote on his save us BS replacement, yep that is Ryan "smoke and mirrors"  so>   The way it works is we have had Republicans telling us they would fix Obamacare for many years now. Paul Ryan a RINO not a true Conservative nor what the Republicans are supposed to be. He is the guy with the we will vote or not vote card. He is the speaker of the house the main man. He failed no big surprise. Remember he was part of that old Bush cabal. Even run as VP with good old Mitt the quasi Republican from Massachusetts. Ever hear of a conservative Republican from Massachusetts? Not in recent memory. So now you have a New York Times story a known Progressive Liberal pit of FAKE news and misdirection writing a story about how all of this is President Trumps fault. Gee ya thunk? Bottom line we need a new speaker of the house some one like Paul Rand or Paul Rand "remember" who knows what a crap job Obamacare is ps he is a Doctor too. So the safety pin crowd that be Hillery,Obama,Soros and Company they think they be the truth,justice and the American way. Damn I'm ready to pin a red cape on to Schumer and his short sidekick ?? So just remember the next time you want someone to come in and crap all over your healthplan? Who do you call? yep screwed again I say vote the bums out but that would be a 50/50 thingy. Anyway I left a few examples below that haven't work so far because I'm such a helpful guy. enjoy. Oh maybe we can get someone? to do it right/practical.


Sunday, February 26, 2017

Hive mind and how it leads to bat shit crazy!

   Sometimes you stumble across the name of the symptoms you have had trouble to understand. This knowledge is out there and you do have your gut instincts but you do your due diligence and research. I started my research with "Hive mentality" this article led me to this link:   Ok so far so good from this wiki I found this link:    Not what I was looking for but it led to this link:    Now we're talking group think and of course this paragraph:   "The main principle of groupthink, which I offer in the spirit of Parkinson's Law, is this: The more amiability and esprit de corps there is among the members of a policy-making ingroup, the greater the danger that independent critical thinking will be replaced by groupthink, which is likely to result in irrational and dehumanizing actions directed against outgroups." amazing stuff and of course when groupthink mentioned Parkinson's Law well:    Now you see how research can lead you to the cause of all these crazy liberals an why Trump just drives them bat shit crazy. Spend a little time an read the links and understand what brings about bat shit crazy!

Friday, February 24, 2017

Reptilian brains and racism with a touch of obsessive-compulsive behavior

 "Without defining them, I shall simply say that in human activities they find expression in:

        obsessive-compulsive behavior

        personal day-to-day rituals and superstitious acts

        slavish conformance to old ways of doing things

        ceremonial re-enactments

        obeisance to precedent, as in legal, religious, cultural, and other matters

        responding to partial representations (coloration, "strangeness," etc.), whether alive or inanimate

        and all manner of deception"   The theory that dreaming is the sleep state of mammals but the awake state of         reptiles is interesting an could explain why we dream, let just say it is as good a reason as any other. "All racism is reptilian." A process I'm willing to accept since I know it is not a learned trait except under special conditions, think Nazism and the conditioning used on the children of Germany "Hitler's Youth". Racism was taught and enforced so I believe it is not normally learned but may be a part of the hardwired genetic code some socio/psychopaths are born with. True reptilian brain activity originates all compulsive actions associated with attraction,love and aggression that is why the dark side of human emotions has stayed with us even after millenniums of civilization an still is the main agenda for Nationalism not necessarily a bad thing.  Don't get all distracted by Illuminati and some other terms truth is truth some words the general public has been conditioned to think "oh one of those" yeah manipulation is a bitch but mass manipulation is nothing new. Neither is paranoid beliefs when you weigh the evidence and not just go along with the crowd. Remember "The kinks are coming from the human mind - which happens to emanate from three brain systems, not just one." and we all can be a little smarter by control and knowing how it works.See Link:

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Sheriff Joe and the not so good new Sheriff here in Maricopa county

    Sheriff Joe lost re-election a few months back and this new sheriff does not have my respect. Thank you Sheriff Joe you will be missed. Got a link to show why this new guy is not doing his job here in Maricopa county.

In psychopaths we trust

     It would be so easy to explain yet so few understand. All people are not the same the typical expression of the Good,the Bad and the Ugly might suffice but it does run deeper for you see the really Bad some would say Evil make a habit of hiding there true nature. The term snakes in suits really does apply. They live and remain hidden from most people. Most people don't understand as I said before,unless you've been bitten by this creature you really don't comprehend the depths of their abilities and manipulation they use against what passes for normal people everyday.  They always seek control jobs a few examples police,politics,judges and so on control is the key. Not all control jobs are held by psychopaths but almost all psychopaths try to hold these positions. We are not talking about your everyday weird sociopath here we are talking about the people who rise to positions of power in Governments and industry. They are very intelligent, it just that emotions like empathy,compassion mean nothing unless it feeds into their narcissism the self love that is all that they care about. So when you see the news and something really bad happens not accidents or natural acts but man made evil acts that make little sense to a normal person well now you may start to understand that the evil in the world like the Axis powers in WWII or Stalin and Mao killing people for their beliefs. Know that this is nothing new, the serial killers, felony criminals and politicians have always been with us. So look at the results recently after Trump got elected we're seeing what some would call the Shadow Government taking control and trying to take this country back into their control. How much Trump will drain from that swamp is anybody guess,I wish the man well but he has hit a brick wall and they're known as psychopaths again nothing new just the same sick people trying to screw us all over again. Lets hope they make a few mistakes and good people can triumph at least for a while against this scourge against mankind. The following link will add a little more fuel to this discussion.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       new Link:                         

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Abstract thinking and herd mentality within the great apes

To an uninitiated person, conventional economic thinking feels right even though it’s wrong, and socioeconomic causality feels wrong even though it’s right. To begin your journey out of that mindset, you must learn to accept and then embrace irony and paradox, at least as humans are unconsciously wired to interpret things. Some would call this line of reasoning BS, but just because nothing makes sense doesn't mean the sense is nothing. Science in this case is equivalent to global warming if it makes you money it must be right. probably something Al Gore has mumbled in his sleep. Oh an herd mentality might explain the Liberal mindset but now we are talking metaphysical or abstract thinking.     

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Oroville Dam and accountability

Knife in Flynn's back

  Not an establishment puppet,his own man and represents the interest of the working people? Yet demonization of the man by the media,Hollywood an so called academics is non-stop their motto "Whatever it takes,get rid of him". So by proxy if you voted or support POTUS, President Trump "just rolls of the tongue" they are urinating on you! They have ground you underneath their boot. Offensive,insulting and just plain old mean spirited. This man is fighting on at least 4 fronts and any belief you hold sacred is up for review. Don't turn your back or take a knee do the human thing. Some of America’s most powerful people have been involved in activities which if brought into the public forum would utterly destroy them, not only professionally, but also personally. Believe it this is what must see the light of day,the truth and what has already happened what must not be public knowledge. A start would be to use the Law against the people both political and media who shoved the knife into Michael Flynn back. Check out the Gate:                                                                                                        

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Civil war or apathy

   Whatever is good for America is now bad for the Democrats – not merely bad, but politically fatal. Convoluted and necessary under the theme of controlled socialism one may presume a mandate and the wonder is that so many who don't embrace this topic are cooperative in the extreme in their apathy. My elders use to recommend "shit or get off the pot" crude but one wonders if extreme measures do not happen in a vacuum or perhaps be met with more forceful measures? I keep hearing that sound I once heard in a movie... "Network" just the emotion not the Hollywood nonsense. "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" and not about ratings. Just a thought don't you think?

Friday, February 3, 2017

Michael Savage hits the nail on the head with view on Trump's policy
I think Dr Savage has nailed it on Trump's policy so far. Granted it is early and he needs to send a message but going to war with whoever is not the result the USA needs at this time. I believe and trust our new POTUS Trump at this time I believe he is a good and fair man at heart and most definitely a patriot. The trouble comes possibly with his inner circle. Trump is not afraid to delegate authority to that inner circle and he is no micro-manager like good ole Obama was,thank God. The deal is that the house of cards is shaky from decades of mismanagement style and the sharks of the World smell blood in the water from the weakness of prior Administrations so a mine field has been flung far and wide around the World. The POTUS job should be to defuse these problems yet not appear weak. War anywhere is not a prime objective of the USA. If we stay as #1 on the world stage we need to build our strength and stay away from major conflicts until we have the ability to back up what sane people want to happen around the world.  

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Invasion Europe

                                                     The Invasion of Europe by primarily Muslim "refugees" some might say with a sprinkle or two of radical Islamist terrorist has reached a tipping point. The backlash may be to little and/or to late. The tide against the world globalist is starting to warm up. Freedom loving people we have a shot against this New World Order and maybe through elections and not being a sponsor of Hollywood and globalist industries we can get the true change in governments the world needs. We will always have Hope.                                                                                                                                      

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Choose Wisely

“For too long, a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished—but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered—but the jobs left, and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself but not the citizens of our country.”  TRUTH noticed I said TRUTH and not Trump because he was right! You see what the Snowflakes haven't figured out yet is like even Ronald Reagan told us the Government is the problem both Republicans & Democrats have run this great Nation into the ground with made up wars on poverty,drugs,Nations including this Nation and what may have once been a Government of and by the people doesn't exist only greed,power and corruption.It really is more then just a few petty protests and I wants. Many would say we are a divided Nation at least two Nations and quite possibly a few more.You should know what that means? It has happened before.  I know which one I will live and maybe die in, do you? Choose wisely. 
 Check out Noonans WSJ article link above.