Monday, November 24, 2014

Eating a 7 year old pop tart
    Well a few months ago I ate a 7 years past best by date pop tart not the fruit ones that would be death by mumba. No it was a brown sugar one and other then a definite this is really an old pop tart taste not really pleasant but I would have ate them in a I'm starving/survival situation. I have tried the datrex bars and they are pretty good and have been recommended by the US Coast Guard for a survival food and they do have a 5 year +  shelf life  so just my 2 cents on these survival foods. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Baked Apples in a Bag

Baked Apples in a Bag.
Quick and easy snack when you're craving something sweet but want something decently healthy.
1 apple, 1tsp sugar, 1tsp water, 1/4tsp cinnamon, 1/4 tsp cornstarch. Put in bag and microwave 2 min. tasty treat! Only 59 calories! Quick an easy and a great snack.